
About us

Why Wiredonkey?

When translated into Hungarian, wire donkey or drótszamár is a vernacular term for a bicycle, used mainly in the Székelyföld region of Transylvania. The Szeklers, the people living in Székelyföld, are known to be especially witty and authentic. We find that this wittiness and authenticity represent the style of our tours perfectly. Hence the name, Wiredonkey.

Who is behind Wiredonkey?

Let me introduce myself. My name is Peter Illés, and I am the founder and guide at Wiredonkey. Working as the head of strategy at a digital product agency, I felt the need to do something that is not "digital". Something that would take me far away from the desk and my laptop.

During our travels with friends and family, I always came up with lists of places to visit, foods to try and experiences to have. I am also an avid cyclist who grasps every moment to get out for a ride. Wiredonkey is the combination of my passion for travelling and cycling.

Why Hungary and Transylvania?

I was born in Timișoara and had been living in Budapest since 2014. Every tour on this page visits places that are close to my heart. Southern Banat was where we had our family weekend getaways when I was a child. Maramureș and Saxon Transylvania were my first longer trips with my wife. Etyek is basically in my backyard.

I know each of these places inside-out. I have ridden these trails multiple times. I have tried the foods, met the people and heard all the stories. And now I am ready to share it with you!